Mission Control is thrilled to present its Mission Patch contest for SAND-E!
A mission patch is an emblem worn during both human and robotic space missions, symbolizing mission objectives. For example, NASA’s InSight Mars mission patch portrays the lander on Mars with the interior of the planet visible, as the objective of the mission is to study the heart of Mars. Mission patches are a very important part the expedition!
Mission Control needs YOU to design a mission patch for our SAND-E expedition in Iceland. We are part of a NASA-funded project led by Texas A&M University, and will be providing our technology for navigational safety and scientific studies to look at Mars-like volcanic sand environments in advance of NASA’s Mars 2020 rover mission to the red planet.
If you are a student ages 13-18 in Canada, the United States or Iceland, you can enter for a chance for your mission patch to be sported by our rover during its trek across the Mars-like terrain in Iceland. It will also be featured during the 2019 Mission Control Academy missions!
Help us by downloading and sharing our flyer with your students or friends.
Submission Deadline is March 31, 2019.